Giving Customers the Best Experience

Customer experience is not the same as customer service. While customer service covers only interactions of customers with employees, the customer experience is everything a person experiences related to your business. Good customer service is important, but a good experience is even more important–customers who have good experiences are more likely to stay loyal to a brand, and businesses with good customer experiences see a significant increase in profits. 

But how do you keep customer experience from becoming just another buzzword? What strategies and practices can you actually implement to improve the customer experience? 

  1. Take good care of your employees. An employee who feels important and cared for is more likely to go above and beyond in their duties. Taking care of your employees can mean a few things. First, taking their feedback into consideration. An employee that feels listened to is someone who feels like they can make a positive difference. Second, treating them with compassion–as humans rather than cogs in a corporate machine. If something happens–they break their leg, a family member dies, whatever–giving them the time off that they need, asking them how they’re doing, or sending a card can go a long way towards making them feel valued and appreciated. 
  2. Optimize your company’s digital experience. Having a user-friendly, easy-to-understand site makes a massive difference, particularly in this age of remote work, remote shopping, and remote living. This means hiring good software engineers, following the best practices for web design, and generally being informed on what makes a good online experience. 
  3. Pay attention to customer feedback–and not just what’s on the surface. Notice the underlying issues as well. Give your customers the experience they really want, even when they don’t have the right words to tell you what they want. This can be difficult–learning to interpret feedback in an implementable way–but it will be worth it for your company.

There are many more strategies you can use to improve your customer experience. Reading articles like this one is your first step towards improving your customer experience, and through that, your company’s success. 


MacDonald, Steven. “7 Ways to Create a Great Customer Experience Strategy.” SuperOffice, 4 May 2021.


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