Credit Where Credit is Due

Everyone wants to be recognized for their achievements–but not everyone wants a parade held in their honor. Here’s just a few suggestions for ways to be sure that each person receives the credit that they deserve. 

  1. Email your boss and copy the employee on the email: Doing this shows your employee that not only are their efforts appreciated, but that they have the opportunity for growth and progression based on their performance. They receive credit and feel appreciated, with very little stress on the part of the employer. For introverted employees, this can be the best way to show appreciation, since a big production would end up draining their resources and making them uncomfortable.
  1. Make sure to talk about the employee to others: This works best when the topic comes up naturally in conversation. If you’re talking about something that another employee has expertise in, make sure to mention their name. If you’re congratulated for something that someone else did, make sure to redirect that praise towards the one that deserves it. Even if the employee doesn’t hear you talking about them, your praise will change their reputation around the workplace for good. 
  1. Be conscious of those who try to take credit for another’s work: Ideally, conflicts can be worked out between employees, but sometimes that higher authority is needed. It is an employer’s responsibility to foster an honest work environment. If you notice someone taking credit for another’s work, it may be best to speak to them privately–no one likes being reprimanded in front of others–but if the behavior continues, don’t let it slip under the radar. Handle it in whatever way is best for your unique situation. 

In the end, don’t forget: credit is an unlimited resource. Everyone can be recognized for what they are good at (though this credit can lose meaning if it’s given liberally, even to those who don’t deserve it). There is no need to feel threatened by another’s accomplishments; appreciating them can lead to them appreciating you and to a respectful and productive relationship in the workplace. 


How to Handle an Employee Who Takes Credit for the Work of Others.” Nesco Resource.

Tranen, Heather. “Motivating Talent by Giving Credit in the Workplace.” Ellevate.

Yakowicz, Will. “How to Give Proper Credit to Your Employees.” Inc., 7 March 2014.

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